
U5D4E1 - Listening skills 1

Peter went to see Mrs Jones after he heard she had had a
    . She explained that she had been walking in the
      when she felt her leg
        underneath her. Se told Peter she had been suffering with her hip for a
          years. She had noticed that her movement was becoming
            . Peter asked her if she had thought about hip
              surgery. He told her it was very common for people her
                . Peer suggested that she should
                  it with Dr Naik. Peter explained that one of the main benefits of the surgery is pain
                    . Mrs Jones thought that she had worn her body out by being too active, but Peter told her it was just part of the ageing
                      • fall
                      • garden
                      • collapse
                      • few
                      • restricted
                      • replacement
                      • age
                      • discuss
                      • relief
                      • process

                      U5D4E2 - Listening skills 2

                      What medication did Dr Naik prescribe for Mrs Jones?  

                      Mrs Jones said that the medication made her feel:  

                      Where did Mrs Jones say the pain was?  

                      Peter said that hip replacement can provide a significant improvement in what?  

                      What did Mrs Jones ask Peter to fetch her from the local shop?  

                      U5D4E3 - Grammar : Wish

                      I wish I pizza every day. (to eat)
                      She wished she the violin better. (to play)
                      They wished they on holiday every year. (to go)
                      Maria wishes she a new guitar for Christmas. (to have)
                      I wish I on holiday right now. (to be)
                      We all wish we by the beach. (to live)

                      U5D4E4 - Grammar : Would

                      When she was a teenager she
                        to the cinema every Friday.
                        Many years ago they
                          plenty of job opportunities.
                            to the park after school.
                            At the beach we
                              sand castles.
                                their son every evening after he left to go to university.
                                  the piano every night.
                                  Mrs Jones
                                    three miles every day when she was young.
                                      comic books with our pocket money.
                                      • would go
                                      • would have
                                      • would go
                                      • would build
                                      • would call
                                      • would play
                                      • would walk
                                      • would buy

                                      U5D4E5 - Vocabulary

                                      Which word describes a long distance race?  

                                      Which of the following words could describe something giving way?  

                                      Which of these is connected to data?  

                                      Which of the following can mean to go away from?  

                                      Which of the following can be eaten?  

                                      Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.