
U2D1 - End of Unit 2 Test : Dialogue 1

Before visiting a hairdresser, it is sensible to make an
      is my son's daughter.
      My doctor prescribed a new diet and exercise programme; I feel
        Having my hair coloured is more
          than having it cut.
          When my hair looks good I
            better about myself.
            I am the
              of three children, as I was born first.
              I try to
                my children at least once per month, as I enjoy this social activity.
                After the hairdresser, my hair looks
                  than it did.
                  • appointment
                  • granddaughter
                  • fit
                  • expensive
                  • feel
                  • eldest
                  • visit
                  • better

                  U2D2 - End of Unit 2 Test : Dialogue 2

                  I sometimes lay
                    at night, if I cannot sleep.
                    I always put my clean clothes on a
                      Playing the guitar is my main
                        , I just do it for fun.
                          my arm when I fell off my bicycle.
                          The wound on my leg has taken a long time to
                            All of the
                              from the railway keeps me awake at night.
                              I keep all of my soaps and shampoos in a special
                                  reading when there is nothing to watch on the television.
                                  • awake
                                  • hanger
                                  • hobby
                                  • hurt
                                  • heal
                                  • noise
                                  • bag
                                  • enjoy

                                  U2D3 - End of Unit 2 Test : Dialogue 3

                                  It is wise to keep a
                                    of important information.
                                    When I first started to learn a language I could not
                                      many words.
                                      When situations change you should
                                        a resident's care plan.
                                        I am not very
                                          with non-European cultures.
                                          Cycling without a helmet is a
                                            I don't want to take.
                                            I have to
                                              a meeting with my bank manager.
                                                hours are 8am until 5pm, with one hour for my lunch.
                                                He needed a special
                                                  to remove the casing from his engine.
                                                  • record
                                                  • understand
                                                  • update
                                                  • familiar
                                                  • risk
                                                  • attend
                                                  • work
                                                  • tool

                                                  U2D4 - End of Unit 2 Test : Dialogue 4

                                                  A person causing difficulty or who is hard to deal with may be described as
                                                    People with good memories are able to
                                                      many things.
                                                      A person who supervises as a professional or work activity is called a
                                                        Someone who is careful not to inconvenience or harm others may be described as
                                                          To be fearful of consequences is to be
                                                            When a matter is concluded it is
                                                              To avoid waking others at night you should attempt to be
                                                                If you fail to be quiet you may
                                                                  • awkward
                                                                  • remember
                                                                  • supervisor
                                                                  • considerate
                                                                  • afraid
                                                                  • resolved
                                                                  • quiet
                                                                  • disturb

                                                                  U2D5 - End of Unit 2 Test : Dialogue 5

                                                                  I didn't buy the car as we couldn't agree on a suitable
                                                                    To lose some weight I need to
                                                                      the amount of calories that I consume.
                                                                      To avoid paying a fine you should
                                                                        your library books on time.
                                                                        I need to
                                                                          this advertising leaflet if I want it to be effective.
                                                                          I was told that to make money I should start my own
                                                                            I had to call an
                                                                              to fix the lights in my house.
                                                                              If I study hard I think I can
                                                                                my grades in the examinations.
                                                                                A formal meeting should be based on an
                                                                                  • price
                                                                                  • reduce
                                                                                  • return
                                                                                  • circulate
                                                                                  • business
                                                                                  • electrician
                                                                                  • improve
                                                                                  • agenda
                                                                                  Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.