
U2D4E1 - Listening skills 1

Mrs Jones apologized to Peter for falling asleep again
Peter told Mrs Jones that a couple of hours of sleep was adequate
Mrs Jones couldn't sleep because her hip was hurting
Peter saw the physiotherapist yesterday
Mrs Jones complained about the noise made by the night staff

U2D4E2 - Listening skills 2

Where has Peter been earlier in the day?  

How long did Mrs Jones sleep each night before her operation?  

How do the night staff disturb Mrs Jones?  

Who will Peter speak to about the problem of the night team disturbing Mrs Jones?  

When did Mrs Jones finish her last book?  

U2D4E3 - Grammar : Past Simple Tense

I ________ a new jumper yesterday  

I ________ all my homework yesterday afternoon  

I ________ for a new job last week  

She ________ to her parents a month ago  

Yesterday you ________ your last exam at college  

I ________ to Louise for the first time in years yesterday  

U2D4E4 - Grammar : Past Simple Tense

    in London last week for my work placement at London central hospital. I
      my host family at Gatwick airport at 5:00pm where the plane
        after a delay of one hour.

        The family
          me with a big smile. They
            very friendly. We
              the airport at around 6:30. We
                their home within 20 minutes. Their house
                  very close to the airport.
                  • arrived
                  • met
                  • landed
                  • welcomed
                  • seemed
                  • left
                  • reached
                  • was

                  U2D4E5 - Vocabulary

                  How would you describe a view or opinion, that is not necessarily based on knowledge or facts?  

                  Which of the following could describe a small group of words?  

                  Something that belongs to you could be described as your:  

                  What is a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action?  

                  Which of the following would you most likely do in relation to a meeting?  

                  Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.