Hip Problem |
Conversation between Peter (caregiver) and Mrs Jones (resident)
Situation: Mrs Jones has recently fallen in the nursing home gardens and as result she has spent a night in hospital. She described the fall as her ‘hip giving way’, meaning it collapsed beneath her. She is currently in pain and is finding it difficult to move around unaided. Caregiver Peter speaks with her about the fall and realises that the problem has been present for some time. He wonders if Mrs Jones should be considered for hip replacement surgery.
Audio: Listen to the audio file here.
Grammar points:
Would - expressing habits in the past
Persons: Peter (caregiver), Mrs Jones (resident) |
Peter: | I was just about to leave when I heard that you had a fall in the garden yesterday. Are you ok? |
Mrs Jones: | Not really Peter, I have such a pain in my hip. I wish it would just go away. |
Peter: | Have you been given any medication for the pain? |
Mrs Jones: | Yes, Dr Naik prescribed Co-codamol tablets, though I haven’t taken one today. |
Peter: | Why not? |
Mrs Jones: | I had one last night and it made me light headed. I felt as though I was drunk. |
Peter: | But did it ease the pain? |
Mrs Jones: | I think so; I fell asleep quite quickly. |
Peter: | OK I’ll speak to the nurse about your concerns and see if you can take a different medication. So can you tell me what happened yesterday? |
Mrs Jones: | Not much really. I was walking in the garden, as the sun was out. I’d had some pain in my hip for a while but I could walk ok. Then suddenly, it felt like my leg collapsed underneath me and I was in a heap on the ground. Oh I wish I was young again. |
Peter: | Oh that sounds terrible Mrs Jones. You mentioned you had had the pain for some time, how long exactly? |
Mrs Jones: | To be honest Peter it’s probably been a few years now, I put it down to old age. I know I walk to the shops and the library, but not many years ago I would walk into the city centre, and back. Mrs Brown would always say I was training for a marathon, a walking marathon at least. |
Peter: | And during this period has the pain become worse? |
Mrs Jones: | Yes, it has, though I try not to complain. I’ve also noticed that my movement is becoming restricted, I struggle to put my stockings on most days. Not so long ago I would put my stockings on standing on one leg, now I always have to sit on the bed, and I still struggle to lift this leg. |
Peter: | And where exactly is the pain, I mean before you had your fall? |
Mrs Jones: | It’s all along the side of my hip and the top of my leg. I’ve noticed that my knees often hurt too. I sometimes wish I had bionic legs to replace my own. |
Peter: | That’s an interesting idea, but probably not an option. However, have you thought about hip replacement surgery? It’s very common for people your age. Statistically women are more likely to have this surgery than men. |
Mrs Jones: | Oh I’m not sure, maybe it’s not that serious. |
Peter: | You said it’s been a problem for a number of years and it’s clearly not improving. All I’m saying is that you think about it and maybe discuss it with Dr Naik. |
Mrs Jones: | Actually Dr Naik did mention it yesterday, he said he’ll arrange an x-ray for me. |
Peter: | Oh that’s good, at least you’ll know then whether a hip replacement is necessary, or maybe some other treatment. |
Mrs Jones: | But what are the benefits? |
Peter: | As far as I know the main benefit is pain relief, which has to be a good thing. For most people there is also a significant improvement in mobility. |
Mrs Jones: | Oh Peter, I wish I would’ve taken more care of my body, I certainly wouldn’t have worn it out with all that dancing and sport. |
Peter: | You haven’t worn your body out Mrs Jones, this type of wear and tear is just part of the ageing process. We’re all living so much longer now that these type of problems are more common. Not so many years ago people wouldn’t be offered new body parts, they would simply suffer. It’s amazing really what medicine can do. |
Mrs Jones: | I agree that it’s amazing, though some days I just wish we could all stay young. When I was young I would run, dance, swim, even play football, so now I just feel so useless. |
Peter: | I’m sure your family wouldn’t agree with that Mrs Jones. I need to leave now but I’ll speak to the nurse first, about your pain medication. Can I fetch you anything nice from the local shops? |
Mrs Jones: | Well if you insist, I think I could manage a jam doughnut. |
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Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |