
U4D5E1 - Listening skills 1

Mrs Rose has been thinking about upgrading the training of certain staff
Peter is unhappy that John Perry has recommended him to Mrs Rose
Peter always found working with dementia sufferers an easy task
Peter developed an understanding of Terry's needs
Terry underwent emergency hip replacement surgery
Peter believed that Terry had a problem in communicating his needs
Peter organised jobs for Terry to do to give him a sense of routine
One of the jobs was for Terry to take out the bins after meals
Terry didn't enjoy the responsibility of his job
Terry didn't talk to anyone when he was doing his job

U4D5E2 - Listening skills 2

What military force did Terry used to belong to?  

How did forgetting things make Terry feel?  

What was one of Terry's hobbies before he came to live at the nursing home?  

What can you create to help dementia sufferers remember things?  

Which aspects of lifestyle should you monitor with dementia sufferers?  

U4D5E3 - Grammar

John hadn't been playing football for very long  

Sally counted her money every day  

The rain had stopped by the time we arrived  

They were shouting all night long  

She sewed the dress herself  

U4D5E4 - Grammar

1. I had been waiting around five minutes for the bus. 2. I was feeling cold. 3. The rain had stopped but the 4. wind was still blowing. 5. I moved back into the bus shelter for protection from the wind. 6. I heard a voice from along the street. It was Jane, 7. she had seen me from her house. 8. She arrived at the bus shelter a few minutes later. 9. She was wearing a beautiful green coat, I remember. 10. It looked very warm, and dry.


U4D5E5 - Vocabulary

    is a chronic and persistent disorder of the mental processes, caused by a brain disease or injury. One common
      of dementia, is an inability to remember things, even the identity of close friends and relatives. Some help may be provided by using memory
        . It can also help to introduce a sense of
          for dementia sufferers. Dementia can
            over time, and consequently it exists in a number of
              . Sufferers may struggle to
                their needs effectively. Carers of dementia sufferers need to be well
                  to deal with the challenges they may face. The role requires significant levels of
                    to do it well. It is not a role that will be effectively carried out by an
                      • Dementia
                      • aspect
                      • aids
                      • routine
                      • progress
                      • stages
                      • communicate
                      • equipped
                      • commitment
                      • impatient
                      Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.