Word List |
Absorb Verb | Sponges absorb many liquids |
take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action |
Administration Noun | A pharmacist is responsible for the administration of medicines |
the action of dispensing, giving, or applying something |
Advice Noun | Peter needed advice on which shirt to wear |
guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent action |
Beans Plural noun | Beans on toast is very simple to make |
an edible seed, typically kidney-shaped, growing in long pods on certain leguminous plants |
Bone Noun | He broke a bone when he fell over |
any of the pieces of hard whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other vertebrates |
Calcium Noun | Jane was prescribed calcium to help her bones |
calcium salts are an essential constituent of bone, teeth, and shells |
Calorie Noun | The calorie count is higher in fattier foods |
a measurement of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C |
Diet Noun | A balaced diet is advised for healthy living |
the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats |
Efficient Adjective | She had an efficient way of sorting the documents |
working in a well-organized and competent way |
Emphasise Verb | The writer used an exclamation mark to emphasise the character's shock |
give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing |
Formal Adjective | You must be formal when you speak to the manager |
having a conventionally recognized form, structure, or set of rules |
Fruit Noun | Fruit is a very healthy snack |
the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food |
Health Noun | The doctor said Brian was in good health |
a person's mental or physical condition |
Immune Adjective | After her injection, Jane was immune to the flu |
resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells |
Leaflet Noun | They were given a leaflet about the upcoming sports centre |
a printed sheet of paper containing information or advertising and usually distributed free |
Magnesium Noun | The research team were testing for magneisum |
the chemical element of atomic number 12 |
Nut Noun | Peter couldn't eat the cake as it had nut in it |
a fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel |
Nutrient Noun | A nutrient rich diet is a good way to stay healthy |
a substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth |
Nutrition Noun | The doctor made sure Jane's nutrition was good |
the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth |
Supplement Noun | The supplement he was given will improve his diet |
a substance taken to remedy the deficiencies in a person's diet |
System Noun | The system worked well with the new employees |
a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole |
Vegetable Noun | A potato is a vegetable with a variety ofways to cook it |
a plant or part of a plant used as food, such as a cabbage, potato, turnip, or bean |
Vitamin Noun | We get vitamin D from the sun |
any of a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body |
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Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |