Preparing for Surgery

Conversation between Peter (caregiver) and Mrs Jones (resident)

Situation: Mrs Rose, the care provision manager, has asked Peter to meet Mrs Jones to discuss her forthcoming hip operation. The date for surgery has been confirmed though it is one month away. Mrs Jones is a little anxious at the prospect so Peter is trying to reassure her of the longer-term benefits.

Audio: Listen to the audio file here.

Grammar points:

Future perfect tense

Persons: Peter (caregiver), Mrs Jones (resident)

Location: The conversation takes place in Mrs Jones’ room within the nursing home

Peter: The date for your hip operation has arrived, it will be in five week’s time.
Mrs Jones: Well thank you for reminding me.
Peter: There’s no need to be like that. Just think, you will have received your new hip in plenty of time for your birthday.
Mrs Jones: Yes, but will I have healed by my birthday. I’d rather not be left on crutches while everyone else has a good time.
Peter: I’m sure you will have healed by then. Anyway, Mrs Rose has asked me to talk to you about how you can prepare for the operation and what to expect in the coming weeks.
Mrs Jones: More restrictions I suppose?
Peter: Well let’s see. You’ll be attending a clinic in three week’s time for an assessment. You’ll have the chance to meet the surgeon and members of the surgical team.
Mrs Jones: What do they want to meet me for?
Peter: It appears that they need to discuss your medical history. They’ll also perform a physical examination and arrange for some tests, to make sure your healthy enough for anaesthetic surgery.
Mrs Jones: Not more tests? By the time I have this operation they will have taken more blood from me than a vampire would.
Peter: Yes, it’s true, one of the tests is a blood test. Though you will also have your urine tested, an x-ray and an electrocardiogram.
Mrs Jones: An electro what?
Peter: It’s normally called an ECG, it’s a test that measure the electrical activity of the heart.
Mrs Jones: It’s my hip that’s a problem, not my heart. I hope they know what they’re doing Peter.
Peter: Of course they do Mrs Jones. It says that by the end of this year this particular unit will have carried out over three thousand hip replacement surgeries. It’s a very common procedure.
Mrs Jones: I’m sure you’re right Peter, but I’m worried that I go to all of this trouble and my hip is still not any better.
Peter: It will be. I think you should try and focus on the benefits rather than the unlikely chance of something going wrong.
Mrs Jones: And what exactly are the benefits?
Peter: For most patients, the main benefit is pain relief, which I’m sure you’ll appreciate. It also improves the function of your hip, which in turn improves your ability to move around. Essentially it improves your whole quality of life, which I imagine would be appreciated by anyone, even you Mrs Jones.
Mrs Jones: I suppose you’re right, I do miss my little walks to the shop and our exercises classes. It will be good to get rid of this blessed pain too.
Peter: That’s better, think positive. When you’re walking around the park in a few month’s time, you will have forgotten all about these worrying thoughts and doubts.
Mrs Jones: Yes, that’s true. So is there anything else they need to know about me before the operation?
Peter: Let me just check. Oh yes. When you attend the clinic you also need to take a list of all the medication you’re taking. Apparently some medications can affect how well you heal.
Mrs Jones: Just when I was starting to think positive.
Peter: It say’s that in such cases the surgeon can advise on alternative medications, so you see, there is still nothing to worry about. I should tell you that I’ve been doing my own research on hip replacement surgery and I will be assisting you with some basic exercises before your operation.
Mrs Jones: I think by the time of my operation you will have become quite the expert on hip replacements. You don’t fancy a career change do you?
Peter: No not really. I quite enjoy working here.
Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.