Patient Charter

Conversation between nursing home resident Mrs Jones and Peter, a young caregiver.

Situation: Mrs Jones has received a leaflet from a visiting health worker, though without her glasses she cannot read the leaflet immediately. She sees caregiver Peter walking by her room and calls him to read the leaflet for her. The leaflet outlines a charter for patients taking medicine while in nursing homes. During the conversation Mrs Jones and Peter discuss the various points of the charter.

Audio: Listen to the audio file here.

Grammar points:

Articles with countable and uncountable nouns

Countable and uncountable nouns – ‘much’ ‘many’ 'lot(s)'

Persons: Mrs Jones (resident), Peter (caregiver)

Location: The discussion takes place in Mrs Jones’ room within the nursing home

Mrs Jones: Peter? Is that you?
Peter: Yes Mrs Jones, do you need something?
Mrs Jones: Oh yes please Peter, I need some assistance with this leaflet. Hello Peter. The health visitor has given me this leaflet to read but I can’t find my glasses. It’s not much use to me if I can’t see the words properly. Can you read it for me?
Peter: Of course, but you receive so many leaflets and you don’t normally read them. Why are you so interested in this leaflet?
Mrs Jones: Apparently it’s all about my medication and my rights as a resident. The health worker said I should have a good look at it and spend some time to understand it.
Peter: I see it’s a patient's charter, so you’re correct, it’s about your rights as a patient in relation to your medication.
Mrs Jones: And how many rights do I have, according to this charter?
Peter: It looks like there are ten points, or ‘rights’ as you said. The first one says you should be informed about all of your medicines and involved in any decisions about them
Mrs Jones: Well I think I am.
Peter: A family member or representative should also be informed about your medicines, with your permission that is.
Mrs Jones: Yes, my daughters are kept informed, though I don’t know how much they car
Peter: You know how much they care. You have twice as many visitors as most other residents.
Mrs Jones: Yes, I know, I was just having some fun with you.
Peter: The leaflet says that your doctor, pharmacist and nursing home staff should work together and act in your best interests. It is also assumed that you can look after and take your own medicines, or that you can ask staff for help.
Mrs Jones: I can look after them but there are just so many tablets now. Some for this, some for that, though I’m never sure how much good they do me. I take three tablets in the morning and four at night, I’m surprised I don’t rattle when I walk.
Peter: It says you also agree that the nursing home can manage your medicines and that the medicines are kept in your room, or another place of your choosing.
Mrs Jones: I prefer to keep my medicines in my room, inside a cupboard.
Peter: Yes, I know. It also states that the nursing home keeps a record of your medicines, making sure staff are kept up to date with any changes, and that staff are trained and competent.
Mrs Jones: Well, are you?
Peter: You know I’ve attended many training courses, some of them were related to medication. You also know Mrs Rose wouldn’t allow me to assist with anyone’s medication if I wasn’t properly trained.
Mrs Jones: That’s true. Is there much more information, It’s becoming a little boring.
Peter: Just a few more points. Your doctor will check that you are on the right medicines at least twice a year and you should also know that you can ask your doctor to review your medicines at any time.
Mrs Jones: I’m not sure how many times the doctor visits me here, but it’s at least twice a year. I can always book an appointment too, if I need one.
Peter: Yes, you can. Dr Naik provides a very good service to the nursing home.
Mrs Jones: That’s because we’re his best customers.
Peter: Those are all the points on the leaflet. Is there anything else, as I don’t have much time now before the lunches are served?
Mrs Jones: No, that’s fine Peter and thank you for reading the leaflet for me. Just leave it on the table over there.
Peter: Do you mean on this table here? The one with your glasses on?
Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.