Skype Meeting

Conversation between Mrs Rose (Care provision manager at Bridge Streetnursing  home) and Mr and Mrs Williams (Son and daughter-in-law of Mr John Williams senior)

Situation: Care provision manager Mrs Rose conducts a pre-arranged Skype meeting with Mr and Mrs Williams, the son and daughter-in-law of Mr John Williams. The objective of the skype meeting is to determine if a period of respite care can be provided for Mr John Williams while his son and daughter attend a family wedding overseas.

Audio: Listen to the audio file here.

Grammar points:

Modals – can / could

Future time – will and going to

Persons: Mrs Rose (Care provision manager), Mr Williams & Mrs Williams, the son and daughter-in-law of Mr John Williams.

Location: Mrs Rose attends the meeting from her office at the Bridge Street nursing home, Mr & Mrs Williams attend the meeting from their own home.

Mrs Rose: Hello, am I speaking with Mr & Mrs Williams from Clearview Avenue?
Mr Williams: Yes, I’m Mr Williams and this is my wife, Jane.
Mrs Rose: Oh good. I’m Mrs Rose, the care manager from the Bridge Street care home. I received your request for a Skype meeting. So how can I help you?
Mr Williams: My eighty-seven-year-old father, John Williams, lives with us. In three months time we’ll be attending our daughter’s wedding in Bermuda.
Mrs Rose: So you’re going to Bermuda? How lovely
Mrs Williams: Yes, we’re going for ten days but we’re worried about leaving my father\-in\-law alone. Our son is also going to the wedding and so there’s no one who can take care of John.
Mrs Rose: I see. So are you looking for a period of respite care for your father, John?
Mr Williams: Yes, I think so. My father can do most things for himself, but he doesn’t like staying in the house alone at night.
Mrs Rose: And how long would you like your father to be cared for?
Mrs Williams: We’re going to Bermuda for ten days, though we were hoping John could be taken care of for twelve days. This will give us time to prepare and then recover from the trip and the travelling.
Mrs Rose: That sounds reasonable. Our respite packages range from a single night up to six weeks, so twelve days or nights would not be a problem.
Mrs Williams: That’s good. Could we ask about the care you provide?
Mrs Rose: Yes of course. We provide accommodation in a single room with an adjoining bathroom. Each room has a television, although we also have a communal lounge area. All meals are provided and we will also provide a laundry service for guests who stay for more than one week. The rooms are cleaned each day and bed linen is changed twice a week.
Mrs Williams: That sounds good. John likes things to be clean.
Mrs Rose: You mentioned earlier that your father ‘can do most things for himself’. Could you be more specific?
Mr Williams: Yes of course. My father can still take care of most of his bathroom activities, including bathing, shaving and going to the toilet. He does need some assistance getting in and out of the bath. He can feed himself and dress himself. His main problem now is walking.
Mrs Rose: Can he walk?
Mr Williams: Yes, he can walk, but only short distances. Until last year he could walk quite well but he had a fall and damaged his ankle. I think he’s lost his confidence now.
Mrs Rose: That’s a shame.
Mr Williams: He also takes some medications though he sometimes forgets.
Mrs Rose: I see.
Mrs Williams: If John stays at your care home, could he bring some of his own things with him?
Mrs Rose: Yes, guests can bring their possessions with them as it can help them to feel at home. What kind of things were you thinking of?
Mrs Williams: John has some photos of his wife and other family members. He likes to read so he will probably want to bring a small number of his library books.
Mrs Rose: Bringing those kind of small items will be fine.
Mr Williams: Mrs Rose, could you check if you have space available in June? From the 18th to the 30th
Mrs Rose: Yes, those dates are fine, do you want to make a reservation?
Mr Williams: How about Thursday afternoon, around 4pm? Can you finish work early?
Mrs Williams: Yes, I think I can. I could go in earlier that day to complete my hours.
Mr Williams: Could we agree on 4pm on Thursday?
Mrs Rose: Yes, that will be fine. I’ll put that in the diary for my colleague, as I’m going to be on leave on Thursday. Ask for Mr Perry when you arrive and he’ll show you around.
Mr Williams: OK.
Mrs Rose: Could you also bring a list of the medication that your father is currently taking?
Mrs Williams: Yes, I’ll prepare that for you.
Mrs Rose: OK, I hope your father likes the facility and I will get to meet him in June.
Mrs Williams: I’m sure he will.
Mrs Rose: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Mr Williams: No, I think you’ve covered everything we need to know at this stage. Thank you for your help today.
Mrs Rose: It’s my pleasure. Goodbye and have a nice day.
Mrs Williams: You too, goodbye.
Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.