Course Introduction |
Conversation between Peter (caregiver) and Mr Law (First Aid course instructor)
Situation: Caregiver Peter has been enrolled on a first aid course to become one of the nominated ‘first aiders’ at the Bridge Street nursing home. Peter must attend a number of training sessions before he can be recognized as a qualified first aid provider.
Audio: Listen to the audio file here.
Grammar points:
Modals - should
Persons: Peter (caregiver), Mr Law (First Aid course instructor) |
Mr Law: | Good morning everybody. Before we start you should make sure that you have something to write on. During the session you should take notes. My name is Ian Law and I will be your trainer for this first aid course. As we’ll work together over a number of sessions, you should call me by my first name Ian. Is that ok? |
Peter: | Yes, that’s fine. |
Mr Law: | This morning I will explain to you what first aid is and what the role of a first aider is. By the end of this session you should know the key principles of first aid. Can anyone tell me what first aid is? |
Peter: | I think so. First aid is the help that you give to someone who is injured, before you call the emergency services. |
Mr Law: | That’s a good answer. What’s your name? |
Peter: | Peter |
Mr Law: | What Peter has said is not inaccurate, though a first aider may not always need to call the emergency services. In fact, in many situations it is not necessary to call the emergency services. You should try to remember this. [Peter raises his hand] Yes peter? |
Peter: | Does a first aider make that decision? |
Mr Law: | Not always. Though a first aider should be prepared to take that responsibility. |
Peter: | OK |
Mr Law: | At Coalville first aid training we believe that first aid is the management of an injury or sudden illness, before the medical services arrive or until the patient is well enough to continue their activities. First aid is not medical treatment and it should not be compared with the kind of treatment given by a paramedic or doctor. First aid is often about making common sense decisions that are in the best interest of the patient. With the right knowledge a first aider can make the difference between permanent or temporary injury, or even the difference between life and death. Within a short space of time on this course, you should gain essential life saving skills. This should make you all confident and competent first aiders. [Peter raises his hands] Yes Peter? |
Peter: | You mentioned some principles of first aid. Will we cover those today? |
Mr Law: | Yes, we will. I’m just about to tell you what they are. The first principle of first aid is to preserve life. This includes maintaining the safety and well-being of everyone involved in an emergency. I will tell you about the ‘primary survey’, which is a process of steps to assist you in continually evaluating a situation The second principle is to prevent deterioration. This means that you should always try to ensure that the condition of the patient does not get worse. [Peter raises his hands] Peter? |
Peter: | Is it always possible to prevent deterioration? |
Mr Law: | No not always. Sometimes a patient’s condition is too severe. But you should always follow the recommended processes and do the best that you can. |
Peter: | Thank you |
Mr Law: | The third principle of first aid is to promote recovery. I addition to requesting professional medical services, a first aider should provide reassurance for a patient. This should help to reduce anxiety and discomfort caused by their recent condition. A first aider should consider what they could do in each situation to promote recovery. |
Peter: | Are there any other things that a first aider is obliged to do? |
Mr Law: | Another good question Peter. I will explain some of the other things that a first aider should do in their role. A first aider should take charge in a medical emergency or situation, as they will know how to assess the situation. A first aider is responsible for ensuring that first aid kits are kept up to date and that they’re fully stocked. A first aider should also ensure that first aid kits are accessible to those that may need them. As I have already mentioned, a first aider should follow the recommended protocol when dealing with any situation. |
Peter: | It sounds like a first aider has many responsibilities. |
Mr Law: | Yes Peter, they have. That is why you should all pay attention during all of the classes on this course. You should also ask questions if you see or hear anything that you don’t understand. Does anyone have any questions now? |
Peter: | No, I think what you’ve said is very clear. |
Mr Law: | OK, let’s start with the first lesson. |
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Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |