Introducing a Care Plan |
Conversation between Mrs Rose (Care provision manager at Bridge Street nursing home) and care worker Peter.
Situation: Mrs Rose feels that it is time that Peter takes responsibility for developing and maintaining care plans with residents. Although Peter has seen care plans before, his engagement with them has been informal. Mrs Rose wishes to provide Peter with an overview of the care plan model before Peter is fully instructed on how to create and maintain care plans.
Audio: Listen to the audio file here.
Grammar points:
Possessives – use of ‘s & s’
Modals – have to
Persons: Mrs Rose (care provision manager) and Peter (caregiver) |
Mrs Rose: | OK Peter, do you know what this meeting is about? |
Peter: | Yes, I think so. I have to learn how to create care plans for residents. |
Mrs Rose: | That’s correct Peter, we’re going to look at the idea behind our residents’ care plans. What do you think a care plan is? |
Peter: | I’m not completely sure, I think it’s a document we all have to complete to keep our residents safe. |
Mrs Rose: | Yes, it’s true that we all have to complete care plans, but we all have to know what they are for too. A care plan is a record of needs, actions and responsibilities. It’s also a tool for managing risk. |
Peter: | Oh I see. Is it something we have to write, as carers? |
Mrs Rose: | Ideally it’s something we write with our residents. Each resident’s care plan should be something they feel they own. We also have to ensure it is based on a thorough assessment of need. |
Peter: | Who is responsible for determining each resident’s needs? |
Mrs Rose: | Ultimately it is the care coordinator’s responsibility, though this is in consultation with the different professions and agencies involved with each resident. |
Peter: | And as you’re a care coordinator, do you have to ensure all care plans are fit for purpose? |
Mrs Rose: | Yes, that’s correct, along with John Perry and Maria Rossi. |
Peter: | And is it the care home’s policy to have care plans for all residents? |
Mrs Rose: | Yes it is, though we also conform to the relevant national legislation. We aim to use our care plans to meet each resident’s health and social needs. |
Peter: | What format does it take? |
Mrs Rose: | I’m sure you’ve seen the paper versions of care plans, there’s one in each of the resident’s rooms. We also have each care plan stored digitally. When we have to update care plans it is much easier to do it this way. |
Peter: | What do you mean? |
Mrs Rose: | When we update the version on the computer, it mean’s all of the carers’ records are updated. Can you see why this is important? |
Peter: | Yes, I think so. If we have to change something like medication or exercise programmes, it’s important that we all know about it at the same time. |
Mrs Rose: | Yes, that’s right, so keep in mind that when you are writing or updating care plans, you have to work with the shared file on the computer. The residents’ care plans are all in one folder. |
Peter: | OK |
Mrs Rose: | When writing a care plan we have to try and use each resident’s words and phrases. We try and use familiar and comfortable language. |
Peter: | Is that possible with all residents? |
Mrs Rose: | No, not all. In some case we have to discuss the care plan with the resident’s family. |
Peter: | In your opinion Mrs Rose, who is the care plan really for? |
Mrs Rose: | That’s a good question. Some people’s opinion is that it’s a bureaucratic exercise, but I believe it is for the benefit of the resident. I sometimes have to remind people of that. |
Peter: | I would have to agree with you. The residents’ well being has to be at the centre of all of the things that the care home does. That’s why I chose to work in this profession. |
Mrs Rose: | That makes two of us. Do you feel that you have a good understanding of the general function of a care plan Peter? |
Peter: | Yes, it seems to make a lot of sense to me. I’ve looked at some of John’s care plans and they seem to cover the main points. |
Mrs Rose: | As a care coordinator, John’s care plans will be good examples to follow. So would Maria’s. |
Peter: | OK |
Mrs Rose: | Now you don’t have to write your own care plans to begin with, I can ask John to help you. |
Peter: | Yes, I enjoy working with John. |
Mrs Rose: | OK I’ll have to look at John’s schedule over the next week then I’ll propose a time for you to continue this work with him. |
Peter: | That sounds good to me, thank you. |
Mrs Rose: | OK Peter, I think that’s enough for today. I have to attend a managers’ meeting in twenty minutes. |
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Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |