
U1D1 - End of Unit 1 Test : Dialogue 1

To relieve carers for a short period of time, a care home may offer
    A bedroom may have an
      The father of someone's spouse is their
        A marriage ceremony is commonly referred to as a
          You can
            something without going into detail.
              is likely to improve the more you do something.
              The nursing home is a
                providing care for residents.
                The things we own are out
                  • respite
                  • adjoining
                  • father-in-law
                  • wedding
                  • mention
                  • confidence
                  • facility
                  • possessions

                  U1D2 - End of Unit 1 Test : Dialogue 2

                  Good practice is built on solid
                    We can help a sick or injured person by giving them
                      A principle of first aid is to
                        We describe someone getting better from an illness as their
                          A training session is most often delivered by a
                            Something that lasts a very long time is said to be
                              Something that does not last a very long time is said to be
                                The contents of a first aid kit should be fully
                                  • principles
                                  • first aid
                                  • preserve
                                  • recovery
                                  • trainer
                                  • permanent
                                  • temporary
                                  • stocked

                                  U1D3 - End of Unit 1 Test : Dialogue 3

                                  Impact on your skin with a blunt instrument may cause a
                                    Impact on your skin with a sharp instrument may cause a
                                      If someone is in serious medical danger we should call the
                                        A pool with a low water level may be described as a
                                          The area immediately above the eyes is referred to as the
                                            A person who exercises strenuously may begin to
                                              A team operating an ambulance is referred to as a
                                                It can be difficult to prove something without
                                                  • bruise
                                                  • cut
                                                  • emergency
                                                  • shallow
                                                  • forehead
                                                  • sweat
                                                  • crew
                                                  • evidence

                                                  U1D4 - End of Unit 1 Test : Dialogue 4

                                                  To understand what is medically wrong with a person we can consider their
                                                    A heart attack can be caused by a blood
                                                      We can measure someone's heart rate by feeling their
                                                        The bones that contain our teeth make up our
                                                          Before we swallow most food we should
                                                            The organ that pumps blood around the body is the
                                                              Somebody with very light skin may be described as looking
                                                                When we ask someone a question we expect them to
                                                                  • symptoms
                                                                  • clot
                                                                  • pulse
                                                                  • jaw
                                                                  • chew
                                                                  • heart
                                                                  • pale
                                                                  • respond

                                                                  U1D5 - End of Unit 1 Test : Dialogue 5

                                                                  Most people
                                                                    having a relaxing holiday.
                                                                      things so others can understand our ideas or situations.
                                                                      Most people
                                                                        their own shopping.
                                                                        An elephant is considered to be a very
                                                                          Many people are most
                                                                            when they are in their own home.
                                                                            Exercise and a low calorie diet can help people to remain
                                                                              Changing rooms in shops are designed to provide us with
                                                                                when we try clothes on.
                                                                                When people are not happy with something they often
                                                                                  • appreciate
                                                                                  • explain
                                                                                  • fetch
                                                                                  • strong
                                                                                  • comfortable
                                                                                  • thin
                                                                                  • privacy
                                                                                  • complain
                                                                                  Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.