Word List |
Arrange verb | Can you arrange that? |
Organise or make plans |
Available adjective | The bus is available |
Able to be used or obtained |
Boring adjective | The museum might be boring |
Not interesting |
Caregiver noun | Peter is my caregiver |
A person who cares for someone |
Confirm verb | Can you confirm this is correct |
To make something definite |
Distance noun | It is a very long distance to walk |
The length of the space between two points |
Entrance noun | I will meet you at the entrance to the cinema |
An opening that allows access to a place |
Exhibition noun | Are you going to the art exhibition |
A public display of works of art or items of interest |
Hold on phrasal verb | Can you hold on for a moment? |
Wait |
Improve verb | I'm sure we can improve the bus service |
Make or become better |
Log on phrasal verb | I will just log on to the computer |
Enter a computer system (normally with a password) |
Maintain verb | It takes a lot of work to maintain the building |
Keep in good condition or the same condition |
Museum noun | The museum is very interesting |
A building containing objects of historical or cultural importance |
Option noun | We have a few options available for you |
A thing that is or may be chosen or selected |
Performance noun | Your performance was very good |
An act of presenting a play or concert |
Renovate verb | We need to renovate this old room |
Restore to a good state of repair |
Set off phrasal verb | We need to set off very soon |
Start a journey |
Sit down phrasal verb | Please sit down |
Move from a standing position to a sitting position |
Suitable adjective | Is this trip suitable for the senior citizens? |
Right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose or situation |
Theatre noun | The theatre is very nice |
A building or place in which plays are performed for an audience |
Ticket noune | Can I see your ticket for the bus please |
A piece of paper or card that gives the holder the right of entrance |
Transport noun | Do you provide transport |
A system or means to moving people or goods from place to place |
Travel verb | How will you travel there |
The action of travelling; taking a journey |
Trip noun | How was your trip? |
A journey or excursion, especially for pleasure |
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Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |