
U3D2E1 - Listening skils 1

How many people does Peter want to make a reservation for?
What type of food has the doctor advised the residents to avoid?
What type of food does the restaurant specialize in?
What type of flour does the restaurant use instead of white flour?
What type of vegetables is the restaurant restricted to?

U3D2E2 - Listening skills 2

What reason did Peter give for wanting to call the restaurant before making a reservation?  

What type of access foes the restaurant provide?  

What does Peter ask if the restaurant can make to their recipes?  

Where does Mr Tucker tell Peter he can get a menu from?  

Why does the restaurant already offer healthy food choices?  

U3D2E3 - Grammar : Conjunctions

Peter's bedroom is very untidy, _____ he is not allowed to go out.  

_____ Mrs Brown has lost her glasses again, we cannot ask her to read to us.  

_____ the church has evening services, our friends prefer to go early in the morning.  

Mrs Jones is a very good musician _____ she studies music.  

_____ I am not back in time, start dinner without me.  

U3D2E4 - Grammar : Conjunctions

Although she has won this race

    I was late for my meeting

      Even though he is the best leader

        Their train is late

          In case you get lost
            • she is still going to train harder
            • because of the flight arriving late
            • I didn't like his personality
            • so we will go without them
            • feel free to call me for directions

            U3D2E5 - Vocabulary

            Which word means to fry lightly and then stew in a closed container?  

            Which word means the liquid obtained from fruit or vegetables?  

            What do you call a list of dishes available in a restaurant?  

            What is another name for a country pub, that traditionally provides accomodation?  

            Which word means to cook underneath a heat source, without direct contact?  

            Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.