Personal Care Briefing |
A conversation between Mrs Rose (care provision manager) and Peter (caregiver).
Situation: Mrs Rose, an experienced caregiver, is briefing Peter, a younger and relatively inexperienced caregiver. The briefing focuses on the personal care of a care home resident (Mrs Jones) returning to the facility following a hip replacement operation.
Audio: Listen to the audio file here.
Grammar points:
Modals – Must / have to
Future continuous
Persons: Mrs Rose (care provision manager) and Peter (caregiver) |
Mrs Rose: | Come in. Good morning Peter, please come in and sit down I called you in this morning to talk about Mrs Jones. You know that she has had a hip replacement operation? |
Peter: | Yes, I understand she’ll be returning to us in a few days. |
Mrs Rose: | That’s correct Peter. She will arrive here on Friday morning and I’d like to ask you to provide some additional personal care for her. |
Peter: | Thank you, but do you think I have enough experience? |
Mrs Rose: | Yes Peter, you’ll be taking on more responsibility now that you’ve finished your probation period. Don’t worry though, as the physiotherapist will be guiding you during this assignment. |
Peter: | What do I need to know to take care of Mrs Jones? |
Mrs Rose: | The hospital has sent a list of guidelines in this booklet. I can give you a copy though it will be useful to look at it now. |
Peter: | OK |
Mrs Rose: | Remember that one of our nurses will be looking after the wound and dressings, so you’ll be helping with Mrs Jones’ mobility and exercise. As you can see Mrs Jones must not bend her hip more than ninety degrees. This is most important when she sits in a chair or on the toilet. We have an attachment to make the toilet seat higher. You must ensure this is used. |
Peter: | OK |
Mrs Rose: | You also have to ensure Mrs Jones doesn’t twist her hips while walking or getting up or down. Therefore, you must support her in these activities. The physiotherapist will be showing you how to do this properly. |
Peter: | Did you mention the wound earlier? |
Mrs Rose: | Yes, I did. A nurse will dress the wound if necessary, though you must monitor the area around the wound for any signs of redness, additional swelling or if Mrs Jones complains of increased levels of pain. |
Peter: | OK, I understand. What about bathing? |
Mrs Rose: | Mrs Jones mustn’t bathe for around six weeks. Gail will be assisting her taking a shower, both for walking and to avoid getting the dressing wet. |
Peter: | Is there anything else? |
Mrs Rose: | Yes, Mrs Jones will also need assistance in dressing, as she cannot bend her body more than ninety degrees, or twist her body too much. You will have to dress her in the morning and after bathing, while a colleague will undress her at night. |
Peter: | You also said I will be helping her to exercise? |
Mrs Rose: | That’s correct, though you’ll be guided and supported by the physiotherapist. However, you must read this guide very carefully. It explains all of the relevant exercises, along with illustrations. |
Peter: | Will I have to do this at home? |
Mrs Rose: | No, I have scheduled some study time for you tomorrow afternoon. In fact, you will be studying the material along with your colleague Gail, as she will be looking after Mrs Jones most evenings. |
Peter: | And when will I meet the physiotherapist? |
Mrs Rose: | He will be here on Friday afternoon. He will have to meet you and Gail together to ensure you both understand your care instructions. |
Peter: | Thank you Mrs Rose. Is there anything else, as I have to get back to work now? |
Mrs Rose: | No Peter, I think that is all for now. Please take the booklet with you. I have another copy for Gail. |
Peter: | OK thank you. Bye. |
Mrs Rose: | Goodbye Peter. |
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Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |