
U2D3E1 - Listening skills 1

A care plan is a record of responsibilities, actions and what else?
What relevant legislation do the care plans conform to?
Besides paper versions, how else are care plans stored?
What is intended to be both comfortable and familiar for residents?
Who did Mrs Rose suggest would help Peter with writing care plans?

U2D3E2 - Listening skills 2

A care plan is a tool for managing what?  

Ideally who should a care worker write a plan with?  

Who does Mrs Rose believe the care plan should benefit?  

What does Peter think about the idea of a care plan?  

Where does Mrs Rose need to go after her meeting with Peter?  

U2D3E3 - Grammar : Possessive Case

My ________ bag is new  

The ________ clothes need ironing  

_______ new motorbike is very fast  

________ old school is now closed  

The ________ violins are on stage  

Your car is faster than ________  

U2D3E4 - Grammar : Modals

Someone has sent you a present but there is not card. It
    your mother! She likes to surprise!
    If your application is not received on time, you will
      for the course.
      Last wednesday I
        a new book for my exam.
        Do you
          your job every two years?
            to work tomorrow because it is a bank holiday.
              the training tomorrow because it is your day off.
                a lot of money to be happy.
                • has to be
                • have to reapply
                • had to buy
                • have to change
                • don't have to go
                • don't have to attend
                • don't have to have

                U2D3E5 - Vocabulary

                Which word best describes information stored on a computer?  

                How would you describe gaining an advantage or profit from something?  

                Which word best describes the possibility of something unpleasant or unwelcome happening?  

                How would you give someone the latest information?  

                Which word best describes things that you know well?  

                Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.