
U2D1E1 - Listening skills 1

Mrs Jones will be visited by her grandson
Mrs Jones feels that her hair is greyer than a squirell
Yvonne asks about Mrs Jones' recovery
Mrs Jones' hairdressing appointment is on a Friday
Yvonne is the youngest hairdresser at the salon

U2D1E2 - Listening Skills 2

What special occasion is Mrs Jones about to celebrate?  

What is the name of Mrs Jones' eldest grandchild?  

Which day did Mrs Jones say would be 'better' for her?  

What is the name of the hair salon where Yvonne works?  

What did peter suggest Yvonne had more of?  

U2D1E3 - Grammar : Comparative Adjectives

Beautiful :
Pretty :
Big :
Large :
Intelligent :
Generous :
Well :
Arrogant :
Tidy :

U2D1E4 - Grammar : Superlative Adjectives

Mark is the in his class (tall)
Jupiter is the planet in the solar system (large)
The Beatles are considered as the band that has sold the records (many)
Maria has the eyes I have ever seen (beautiful)
Mark always tells the jokes amongst his friends (funny)
You have the laughter in the group (loud)

U2D1E5 - Vocabulary

What would you be paying someone if you told them they were beautiful?  

How might you describe an unwelcome or harmful situation?  

How do people wish you to feel on your birthday?  

People go to hyms to get what?  

Which of the following will always be female?  

Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.