Discussing Supplements

Conversation between Mrs Rose (Care provision manager) and Peter (caregiver)

Situation: Mrs Rose is explaining to Peter the need to monitor the use of nutritional supplements by the care home residents. The use of nutritional supplements has been suggested by a visiting doctor, though during the conversation Peter has many questions about the benefits of taking supplements.

Audio: Listen to the audio file here.

Grammar points:

Future time – ‘will’ and ‘going to’

Persons: Mrs Rose (Care provision manager), Peter (caregiver)

Location: The conversation takes place in the office of Mrs Rose.

Mrs Rose: Morning Peter. I asked you here today to talk about some changes we are going to make regarding the diets of residents.
Peter: Are the changes based on the doctor’s report?
Mrs Rose: Yes, they are.
Peter: I’ve already spoken to some residents about the changes the doctor has recommended. Though I’m not sure if all of the residents will follow the advice.
Mrs Rose: Oh, why do you say that?
Peter: I think some of them think it’s too late to give up food and cakes that they really like.
Mrs Rose: We thought that may be the case. John Perry is going to speak to all residents to emphasise how important good health is.
Peter: So what else do I need to know about?
Mrs Rose: We’re also going to introduce is a more formal and managed administration of nutritional supplements.
Peter: What does that mean exactly?
Mrs Rose: As people get older they do not always get sufficient nutrients from their diet.
Peter: Why’s that?
Mrs Rose: For one thing, the amount of calories needed is reduced. Also the body becomes less efficient at absorbing key nutrients.
Peter: Oh I see.
Mrs Rose: I will tell you which key nutrients we aim to introduce to most residents.
Peter: OK.
Mrs Rose: The first one is vitamin B12 which is important for creating red blood cells.
Peter: Isn’t that found in food?
Mrs Rose: Yes, it’s in fish, meat, eggs and milk, but older people can’t always absorb enough of the vitamin.
Peter: OK.
Mrs Rose: We are also going to ensure most residents receive vitamin D supplements.
Peter: I know about vitamin D. Our bodies create it by absorbing sunlight. I guess some of our residents don’t get enough sunlight.
Mrs Rose: That’s true, and the problem is that vitamin D is needed for the body to absorb calcium and to keep bones healthy.
Peter: I will try and remember to encourage residents to use the garden when the sun is out.
Mrs Rose: We are also going to have magnesium supplements for some residents.
Peter: Magnesium? What does that do?
Mrs Rose: Magnesium has lots of benefits for us, including keeping our immune systems healthy.
Peter: Is it available in food?
Mrs Rose: Yes, it can be obtained from food, It’s found in fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and beans.
Peter: But is it more difficult to absorb when you get older?
Mrs Rose: Yes, though we are going to serve more magnesium-rich food in general.
Peter: I’ll make sure I start eating healthier too.
Mrs Rose: The doctor is going to give us some information leaflets about all of the nutrients.
Peter: Will I have to give the supplements to residents?
Mrs Rose: No, though you should make sure that residents have the supplements that the doctor recommends for them.
Peter: OK, I’ll look out for the leaflets and read through the resident care plans.
Project number: 543336-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.